uhhh not again!
I'm doing this for you baby..
Male friend: Rami & Abdulrahman
Female friend: Rima, Showg, Mystique, Sarah
Vacation: Turkey, 1994 & France 2004
Time of day: Morning
Day of the week: Saturday
Color crayon: no idea :s
Person you talked to that goes/went to your school:Mazin
Talked to on the phone: Paul
Text: My princess
Person you instant messaged: again My princess
What are you doing now: filling this!!!
Wearing: Blue jeans & a white T-shirt
Is: Monday
Got any plans: Not really..
Goal: nothing on my mind..seriously
Dislikes about tomorrow: the things i'm about to see in the news
Number: 5
Song: Soledad- West life (it reminds me of someone i really love)
Color: Yellow
Missing Someone: K
Mood: happy
Wanting: K
I am a cuddler: True.
I am a morning person: Used to be..
I am a perfectionist: false
I am an only child: false
I am currently in my pajamas: false
I am currently pregnant: hehehe FALSE
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: false
I am left handed: false...esh da..mafe true? :S
I am addicted to Blogging: addicted? i dont think so
I am online 24/7: only at work
I am very shy around the opposite gender: false AGAIN!
I can be paranoid at times: True..its natural
I currently have a crush on someone: :)
I currently regret something that I have done: true
I enjoy country music: sometimes
I enjoy smoothies: false
I enjoy talking on the phone: depends on who im talking to
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work:false
I have a hidden talent: true..calligraphy ;)
I have a lot to learn: yes for sure
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: al7amdella i don't
Are you currently mad at someone? no
Which of your friends has the worst temper? Mohammed
Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yes
Ever had something thrown at you? yes :p
When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? scream
Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you?yes
Are you easily excited? sometimes..depends on the mood
What are you most excited about? football..jet skiing
If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? buying a house
If you could have anything right now what would it be? that million $ :p
Name: ahmed
Where were you born? Jeddah
What’s your main goal in life? i have many goals..some were accomplished..working to achieve the others
How do you want to die? Praying in Makkah :)
Sex before marriage? against
Gay Marriage? against..interested to know why? email me :P
Lower the Drinking age? No
Recycling? yes
What was your latest dream? I don't remember
Have any of your dreams come true? yes
What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? that I was driving a techno car and i was really excited about it..then i showed it to a friend of mine who said..man its stupid! and guess what i did..i "throw it in the bin" DONT ASK lol
Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight.
Do you have a bf/gf? she is more than a gf :)
Do you have a crush? :)
How many beds did you lay in yesterday? 1
What color shirt are you wearing? white
Name one thing that you do everyday? work, watching TV and eating food :p
What color are your walls? orange
How much cash do you have on you right now? SR 200
I can’t wait till…? I be with her :)
When was the last time you saw your dad? 1 month ago..he is out of the country
What did you have for dinner last night? Dominoz
What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? i dont borrow cloth
What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? Google mail
Does anything hurt on your body right now? no
Have You Ever:
Have you ever failed a class? no
Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? yes
Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? no :S
Have you ever slept with a night light? yes
Have you ever danced in the rain? no
Have you ever lied? yes
Have you ever had contacts? no
Have you ever tripped over something stupid? yes..my laptop :s
Pick One:
Samosa, Pakora, Kebab: kebab
Bollywood, Lollywood, Hollywood: Hollywood.
Love marriage, Arranged marriage: Love marriage.
Honeymoon, no moon: Honeymoon.
How many kids would u like 1,2, 3+: 2
Kulfi, Ice cream: Ice cream
Shah ruk khan, Orlando Bloom: neither
Meenar-e-Pakistan, Eiffel Tower: Eiffel tower :D
Lahore, Khi, Islambad: lol we are not in pakistan man
Rima have u been tagged? if not then U DO THIS NOW :p
Qatar Cat..since u didnt update ur blog since ever..u have a chance now..by doing this! hehehe
Taqo i swear..Princess FORCED ME to do this tag..she is a princess u know am one poor guy :( can't do anything but to say..YES UR HIGHNESS :p
Male friend: Rami & Abdulrahman
Female friend: Rima, Showg, Mystique, Sarah
Vacation: Turkey, 1994 & France 2004
Time of day: Morning
Day of the week: Saturday
Color crayon: no idea :s
Person you talked to that goes/went to your school:Mazin
Talked to on the phone: Paul
Text: My princess
Person you instant messaged: again My princess
What are you doing now: filling this!!!
Wearing: Blue jeans & a white T-shirt
Is: Monday
Got any plans: Not really..
Goal: nothing on my mind..seriously
Dislikes about tomorrow: the things i'm about to see in the news
Number: 5
Song: Soledad- West life (it reminds me of someone i really love)
Color: Yellow
Missing Someone: K
Mood: happy
Wanting: K
I am a cuddler: True.
I am a morning person: Used to be..
I am a perfectionist: false
I am an only child: false
I am currently in my pajamas: false
I am currently pregnant: hehehe FALSE
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: false
I am left handed: false...esh da..mafe true? :S
I am addicted to Blogging: addicted? i dont think so
I am online 24/7: only at work
I am very shy around the opposite gender: false AGAIN!
I can be paranoid at times: True..its natural
I currently have a crush on someone: :)
I currently regret something that I have done: true
I enjoy country music: sometimes
I enjoy smoothies: false
I enjoy talking on the phone: depends on who im talking to
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work:false
I have a hidden talent: true..calligraphy ;)
I have a lot to learn: yes for sure
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: al7amdella i don't
Are you currently mad at someone? no
Which of your friends has the worst temper? Mohammed
Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yes
Ever had something thrown at you? yes :p
When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? scream
Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you?yes
Are you easily excited? sometimes..depends on the mood
What are you most excited about? football..jet skiing
If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? buying a house
If you could have anything right now what would it be? that million $ :p
Name: ahmed
Where were you born? Jeddah
What’s your main goal in life? i have many goals..some were accomplished..working to achieve the others
How do you want to die? Praying in Makkah :)
Sex before marriage? against
Gay Marriage? against..interested to know why? email me :P
Lower the Drinking age? No
Recycling? yes
What was your latest dream? I don't remember
Have any of your dreams come true? yes
What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? that I was driving a techno car and i was really excited about it..then i showed it to a friend of mine who said..man its stupid! and guess what i did..i "throw it in the bin" DONT ASK lol
Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight.
Do you have a bf/gf? she is more than a gf :)
Do you have a crush? :)
How many beds did you lay in yesterday? 1
What color shirt are you wearing? white
Name one thing that you do everyday? work, watching TV and eating food :p
What color are your walls? orange
How much cash do you have on you right now? SR 200
I can’t wait till…? I be with her :)
When was the last time you saw your dad? 1 month ago..he is out of the country
What did you have for dinner last night? Dominoz
What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? i dont borrow cloth
What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? Google mail
Does anything hurt on your body right now? no
Have You Ever:
Have you ever failed a class? no
Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? yes
Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? no :S
Have you ever slept with a night light? yes
Have you ever danced in the rain? no
Have you ever lied? yes
Have you ever had contacts? no
Have you ever tripped over something stupid? yes..my laptop :s
Pick One:
Samosa, Pakora, Kebab: kebab
Bollywood, Lollywood, Hollywood: Hollywood.
Love marriage, Arranged marriage: Love marriage.
Honeymoon, no moon: Honeymoon.
How many kids would u like 1,2, 3+: 2
Kulfi, Ice cream: Ice cream
Shah ruk khan, Orlando Bloom: neither
Meenar-e-Pakistan, Eiffel Tower: Eiffel tower :D
Lahore, Khi, Islambad: lol we are not in pakistan man
Rima have u been tagged? if not then U DO THIS NOW :p
Qatar Cat..since u didnt update ur blog since ever..u have a chance now..by doing this! hehehe
Taqo i swear..Princess FORCED ME to do this tag..she is a princess u know am one poor guy :( can't do anything but to say..YES UR HIGHNESS :p
lool shhhhhh u cowy..no one knows :P
ahmed, at 10:06 AM
Well since I updated before you tagged me, and you didn't even bother to check, I'll still do the tag but I post the answers HERE.
So here goes:
Male friend: Dad
Female friend: Mom
Vacation: Oman 1995, Malta 1996
Time of day: Morning
Day of the week: Any day that’s not a weekend or a holiday
Colour crayon: I don’t use crayons
Person you talked to that goes/went to your school: Nats
Talked to on the phone: Fish
Text: Moo
Person you instant messaged: Midget
What are you doing now procrastinating while answering this silly tag
Wearing: Black trousers, black t shirt
Is: Another summer day
Got any plans: yeah cleaning boys day. Then hanging out with Fish and Midget
Goal: Tomorrow? Achieve the most by doing the least.
Dislikes about tomorrow: it’s a working day, duhh
Number: 3
Song: A certain Arabic one
Color: turquoise
Missing Someone: yes, badly
Mood: Uncertain
Wanting: Where do I begin??
I am a cuddler: That depends
I am a morning person: Never
I am a perfectionist: Sometimes
I am an only child: Sadly, no
I am currently in my pajamas: Nope
I am currently pregnant: Hope not
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: No
I am left handed: Nope but I have a soft spot for lefties
I am addicted to Blogging: Not really
I am online 24/7: If there’s something worthy of my attention online
I am very shy around the opposite gender: They wish
I can be paranoid at times: I am paranoid now, does that count?
I currently have a crush on someone: Nope
I currently regret something that I have done: I can only regret something I haven’t done. Everything else is an experience.
I enjoy country music: Not really
I enjoy smoothies: I can have a smoothie, yeah
I enjoy talking on the phone: It depends
I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: Most days
I have a hidden talent: I assume it’s very well hidden
I have a lot to learn: Who doesn’t?
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: Not ashamed, but won’t reveal my secrets anyways
Are you currently mad at someone? Yes
Which of your friends has the worst temper? Psaraki
Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Of course
Ever had something thrown at you? Of course
When you’re mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? Neither.
Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you? No
Are you easily excited? On occasion
What are you most excited about? Not telling.
If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? Holy $#**!
If you could have anything right now what would it be? It would not be a “what”; it would be a “who”.
Name: Name, middle name, surname, the usual.
Where were you born? In the hospital.
What’s your main goal in life? I don’t have any, I’m shallow like that.
How do you want to die? I don’t.
Sex before marriage? Before, during, after, instead – all good.
Gay Marriage? Why not? Before it was interracial, now it’s gay, tomorrow it’s what??
Lower the Drinking age? I don’t care as long as they don’t drive.
Recycling? I am not sure as to how well it works exactly, but yes if it does.
What was your latest dream? A nightmare
Have any of your dreams come true? Yes
What was the weirdest dream you’ve ever had? The one that came true.
Straight, Gay, Bi? Nosey, aren’t we?
Do you have a bf/gf? Leaves no space for manoeuvre… I guess it’s a No, then
Do you have a crush? No
How many beds did you lay in yesterday? 2
What colour shirt are you wearing? Are we repeating things here??
Name one thing that you do everyday? Breathe
What colour are your walls? Boring
How much cash do you have on you right now? Nothing.
I can’t wait till… I generally can never wait.
When was the last time you saw your dad? March this year.
What did you have for dinner last night? I skipped dinner.
What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? I don’t do that.
What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? Yahoo.
Does anything hurt on your body right now? Yes.
Have You Ever:
Have you ever failed a class? Yes
Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? Yes
Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? Yes! lol
Have you ever slept with a night light? Yes
Have you ever danced in the rain? No, and I won’t as I hate rain.
Have you ever lied? Yes
Have you ever had contacts? Yes, and they were a pain in the… eye.
Have you ever tripped over something stupid? Yes, over a stupid kid in the mall the other day.
Pick One:
Samosa, Pakora, Kebab: Sushi
Bollywood, Lollywood, Hollywood: Hollywood
Love marriage, Arranged marriage: If it doesn’t work out – then arranged. At least you’ll have someone to blame. If it does – then I guess it doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t get married if I weren’t already married.
Honeymoon, no moon: Who came up with these lame questions??
How many kids would u like: None.
Bravecat, at 12:24 PM
So like when is the wedding Inshalla :D?
You know I don't know you much but I'm always up for free dinner invetations ;) :P
AhMeD, at 4:02 PM
Next, maybe i'll "force" you too ;p
Aww..you sounded all lovey-dovey in this tag ;p
Taqo, at 10:19 PM
enta eash bk bs sert tektoob long posts.. but there all nice marrah ye7amesoo enk te8ra2ha
anyhoo ..
i'm not gonna comment coz fee harja beny o benk netkalm feha b3den ;)..
but 3arft alot of cool stuff about u :)
Balqees, at 10:50 PM
sorry i complained :( my fault :p
first i CHECKED ur blog TWICE that day..its not my fault that we got crappy internet connection here lol
Second, u are suppose to do the tag ON ur blog not here :@ grrrrr
soon inshalla :)
u better force me lol.. thanks sweetheart :)
lol its not my fault..she tagged me..
can't wait to talk about that harja :p
and who told u "stuff" about me!!!!!
ahmed, at 3:05 PM
you don't know how much this post made me Angry!
Rimyoleta, at 6:16 PM
sona jeweler
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM
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